Columbia Falls Aluminum Company
Meeting Commitments and Achieving Milestones
Keeping the Community Informed
Since 2015, CFAC has worked under EPA supervision, with input from MDEQ, to assess conditions at its former aluminum smelting plant and review options to remediate the site and protect public health and the environment. EPA will determine the final clean up method.
CFAC has worked closely with stakeholders throughout the assessment and evaluation process and is committed to meeting all state and federal obligations. CFAC believes it is vital that the public have access to readily available information concerning this process—we hope this website will allow you to stay informed and track progress at the site.

Project Milestones
November, 2015
CFAC signed Administrative Order on Consent with EPA
September, 2019
Demolition of CFAC site is completed
February, 2020
EPA approved Final Remedial Investigation Report
March, 2021
CFAC completed early remediation work to safely return Flathead River flow back to its natural channel
June, 2021